Friday, December 31, 2010

Novel for 2011

The Novel for November began, but did not finish. Where does time go?

I am reading a book of letters between an aristocrat and a writer that highlights the problem today's writers have. We do not have patrons.

How easy it would be to write if one had rich friends who were quick to offer food and lodging all around Europe for weeks on end. I think I could crank out a novel fairly quickly if I were to be offered the use of a villa in Greece for a summer or invited to write in the tower of a remote castle when the spirit moved me.

My one regret in life is that I never learned how to be a "personality." I prefer to live in my mind and move through life as one who does not draw attention to oneself. I should have tried a different approach. For those who are adept at living in the world there are so many more opportunities for experience and patronage. One might criticize the cult of personality that is so pervasive in this world, but ultimately that is the only way to succeed.

Work as a writer means more than putting pen to paper. It also means putting your life on the line.


P.S. Happy New Year, writers! Live a little.